Production Performance and Troubleshooting of .NET Applications

Modern applications are extremely complex, and with complexity come difficulties in diagnosing performance issues, memory leaks, crashes, and other problems that might manifest only in the production environment. In this workshop, we will review the tools, libraries, and best practices for setting up your production monitoring and diagnostic environment. Through a series of detailed hands-on labs, you will learn how to measure performance in a production environment without interrupting operations, how to automatically diagnose and detect the root cause of crashes and memory leaks, how to identify and display specific objects in memory without suspending or modifying the application code, and how to set up alerts for performance issues.


  • Requirements for production monitoring and diagnostics
  • The USE (Utilization, Saturation, Errors) performance method and checklist
  • Continuous performance monitoring using Windows performance counters
  • Configuring performance counter alerts
  • Event Tracing for Windows and related tools (PerfView, WPR, WPA, etrace)
  • Collecting ETW traces on-demand and continuously with memory buffers
  • Diagnosing high-CPU and high-memory spikes
  • Collecting and comparing heap snapshots for memory leak analysis
  • Dump files and dump file types– Collecting dumps automatically for crashes or extreme leaks
  • Basic dump file analysis with Visual Studio and WinDbg
  • Automatic dump analysis with the CLRMD library and related tools (msos, PerfView)
  • Using CLRMD for live process diagnostics

Расписание тренинга:

10:00-11:30 — Первая часть

11:30-11:45 — Q&A, кофе-брейк

11:45-13:30 — Вторая часть

13:30-14:30 — обед

14:30-16:00 — Третья часть

16:00-16:15 — Q&A, кофе-брейк

16:15-18:30 — Четвёртая часть

18:30-19:00 — заключение, Q&A

Требования к оборудованию для участников:

Дата: 21.05.2017

Место: Санкт-Петербург, Гостиница «Пулковская»

Язык тренинга: Английский

Sasha Goldshtein

Sasha Goldshtein goldshtn

Sela Group

Sasha Goldshtein is the CTO of Sela Group, Microsoft MVP and Regional Director, Pluralsight and O'Reilly author, and an international consultant and trainer. Sasha is the author of "Introducing Windows 7 for Developers" (Microsoft Press, 2009) and "Pro .NET Performance" (Apress, 2012), a prolific blogger and open source contributor, and author of numerous training courses including .NET Debugging, .NET Performance, Android Application Development, and Modern C++. His consulting work revolves mainly around distributed architecture, production debugging and performance diagnostics, and mobile application development.