AOP via .NET

Track 2 | Day 2 | 12:00 | RU | For practicing engineers

Have you ever heard of aspect-oriented programming? Have you tried it? We'll start with the basics — definitions and examples of the situations where AOP could help. We'll figure out how to «kick-start» AOP while using .NET. We'll solve some problems using the main AOP frameworks: learn how to generate wrappers at run time via dynamiv proxies, inject code in our classes at complit time, using PostSharp and Fody. Finally, we'll turn to Nemerle, figure out what do scary words like "quasi-quotation" and "metaprogramming" mean, and solve our AOP problems without frameworks!

Igor Yakovlev
Igor Yakovlev

Positive Technologies

Igor graduated from the faculty of the Mathematics and Mechanics of Saint Petersburg State University. He has more than 8 years of experience in software development, about 5 years with .NET platform in particular. Currently is a Senior Software Developer in Positive Technologies company, in Department of application security analysis research. Also he is a post-graduate student of SPbSU and a lecturer of the Department of Astrophysics. Igor is interested in programming languages, computer science, .NET and other platforms.

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